New March Research In Game

Game of War Update #2

Alright, more New March Size Researches are in game so let's take a look at them.
Empire Rally Capacity Increase  

War March Size Increase II

Wonder Rally Capacity Increase II
It's important to notice the significant increase in March Size once you complete Rank 10. From Rank 9-10 in each category, the March Size jumps 3x. Rank 10 is going to cost a TON of Resources and Speed-Ups so make sure you roll a good Magister Set Bonus before starting the Research.
Also, I'm not sure why Level 9 Research is locked right now, but I'm thinking it's because it would auto unlock the final Super Wonder March. That's likely a terrible guess but I doubt it will be locked for long. A better guess is that they are doing it to build anticipation.
As a reminder, if the current King has a higher level March Size Research done than you, he will not be able to transfer Kingship.
Finally, Creed XS is working on an article teaching everyone how to adjust their trap accounts to compete against the new March Size Increases. The final boosts are almost all released and then the article will go live :)

Previous Updates

Good news is that if the new March Size does launch during the Super Wonder it will not take effect there immediately. Both sides in the Kingdom of Fire have been concerned about it launching in the middle.
March Sizes Coming Soon
"This Research does not effect the Kingdom of Fire."

The New Feature Will Be War March Sizes!

Call me a gypsy because my prediction was correct!

New March Sizes

Empire March Size Increase I, II
Empire March Size Increase I
Empire Rally Capacity Increase I, II
Empire Rally Capacity Increase I
Wonder Rally Capacity Increase I, II
Wonder Rally Capacity Increase I
Embassy Troop Capacity Increase III
Embassy Troop Capacity Increase III
Super Wonder Rally Capacity Increase
New March Size 2 New March Size 1
I can't even!
Everyone is going to be burning when this research launches!
Not to mention if this research launches before the Super Wonder, it could change things dramatically!
I'll be following up with a in-depth analysis article with how these new March Sizes will change the way this game is played forever. Stay Tuned..
See below to see my psychic abilities in action..

Our Guess Is A March Size Increase

Game of War released an update in their blog yesterday stating that there is going to be a #1 Most Requested Feature launching soon. What will it be!?
game of war march size increase
Well let's take a look at their blog post real quick:
march size 2
They capitalized "INCREASE" and "MARCH". I don't think it can be any more clear.
Hands down, no doubt, all my money is on a March Size increase.
They would have to increase the size A LOT to eliminate small and mid size traps. I'm wondering if it will be a Research category or item. I'm leaning towards a Research category.
Can it be anything different? How is March Size going to change the game?